Tuesday 16 June 2009

GPOM: Ways to make the Sabbath special: Anonymous

Firstly, RELAX. It's not a test, it's not about frowning. In fact, try smiling! Know that you may rest in Christ (spiritually) and God expects you to relax, rest in Christ (physically), that the Sabbath rest actually does symbolize the spiritual rest -- isn't that wonderful? For that period, from Friday at sunset, to Saturday at sunset, divorce yourself from the newspaper, from worldly things, and concentrate on God, and His creation.... ...light candles that are especially for the Sabbath, a beautiful visible reminder of God's gift to you... ...light some special incense that you would not dream of using the other six days of the week, to fill your house with the delightful scents of the Sabbath... ...wear some special cologne that you only wear on the Sabbath, and thank God for all His blessings as you put it on -- a weekly Thanksgiving Day! ...eat some special food that you only eat on the Sabbath, maybe even a special dessert, and thank God for all His peace, His help, His love... ...listen to some special music that you only listen to on the Sabbath, music that touches your soul, that suggests God's rest, that suggests God's holy creation, music that peacefully turns your mind to Him, and thank God for all that He has done for you, all He continues to do for you, and all the wonderful things He has in store for you... ...wear special clothes that you think God would like you to wear (it doesn't have to be a tuxedo or 3-piece suit -- this is all about you and the Lord, not what other people think), and thank Him for providing for you... ...remember that the Sabbath is a day "set apart" just like followers of Jesus, Yeshua the Messiah, they are a "people set apart;" allow yourself things on the Sabbath, do things differently on the Sabbath, in a more thankful and open way than the other six days of the week -- this is a special day to get to know God better, a special "date day" for you to devote to Him -- allocate this 24 hours as a time that you won't worry about your bills, that you won't worry about the state of the world, school, or fears, depressions, angers, unfairness, foolishness, entertainments of the world -- the Sabbath is a "feast day," a celebratory day between you and God, with special time for you and your family -- share with each other the blessings God has given you, thank God for each other, call to mind all the wonderful, incredible things He has done for you, concentrate on His wonders, and pray together! ...rent special videos (or buy special DVDs) that bring you closer to God, that make the Bible clear, that make the Biblical people more real to you; a few good ones are: "Joseph," "David," "Abraham," "Jacob," "Esther," "Solomon," all in "The Bible Collection" series, "The Prince of Egypt (animated)," "The Ten Commandments (starring Charlton Heston)," "Joseph, King of Dreams (animated)," "The Chosen (by Chaim Potok, starring Robbie Benson)," "The Miracle Maker (animated, claymation)," "King David (starring Richard Gere)," "Anne of Green Gables" -- plus a wealth of documentaries on the Bible; gather your family around with popcorn and lemonade or hot chocolate, and pause the video at key places to discuss what you are watching, to compare to the Bible; invite friends over to participate in the spiritual movie experience! ...invite friends or neighbors over to your house for dinner, or lunch, or discussion times; share your faith! ...get out into nature, as the Sabbath is a memorial of God's splendid creative power and grace, go on a hike, go camping, take nature walks, visit the zoo -- always keeping God in mind, Creator of all, and allow these sights to awaken a deeper awe of your Maker, and all that He has done... ...visit different churches, or if you find one that speaks to your heart and follows the Bible, grab onto it and don't let it go (they're tough to find!), remember, you can help the people there, and they can help you, they will see things that you cannot, and you can see things that they cannot, it really works and deepens your relationship with God... ...set aside special time to immerse yourself in the Word of God, read the Bible in various versions, comparing the KJV to the New Living Translation, weighing them against the Amplified Bible, and even the Living Bible paraphrase! Enrich your understanding and relationship with God. The Sabbath is the very best day on which to read the Bible -- even sun worshippers say you shouldn't read the Bible on Sunday, that you should take a break from it to devote fun time to yourself, but the Sabbath is about spending time with God, and His Word... ...read spiritual books that you only read on the special day of the week, pick up "The Prayer of Jabez" again, or Roger Morneau's "Incredible Answers to Prayer," Garrie Williams' "Give the Holy Spirit a Chance," Calvin Miller's "The Philipian Fragment," Corrie ten Boom's "The Hiding Place," Ellen White's "The Desire of Ages," Abraham Joshua Heschel's "The Sabbath," Chaim Potok's "The Promise" and "The Gift of Asher Lev," C.S. Lewis' "Mere Christianity" and "Surprised by Joy" and "Narnia," Paul Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress," Hank Hanegraaff's "The Prayer of Jesus," Philip Yancey's "Fearfully and Wonderfully Made" and "The Jesus I Never Knew" and "Where is God when it Hurts?" (of course, all these books can and should be read all week long, but it's nice to have a "special" book you pick up and continue each Sabbath) -- and you'll find that reading a good, spiritual book will lead you to other trusted, wonderful books that deepen your relationship with God... ...visit a Messianic Jewish church on Friday night... ...keep in mind, the Sabbath is a day for difference -- it is the one day that God singled out and MADE different, MADE special! A special day for a special people, a peculiar day for a peculiar people -- a day and a people set apart. ...remember, in REMEMBERing the Sabbath, we associate ourself with the Almighty God, Adonai Yahweh El Shaddai, and His Son, Yahshua Messiah, a people filled with the Holy Spirit -- the Sabbath is a sign between God's people and Himself -- and He promises, if you take DELIGHT in His Sabbath, our Sabbath, He will have you ride upon high places! Take delight in the Law of God, delight yourself in God, and He will give you the desires of your heart!
Catholic Doctrines - Ty Jackson
1. There is one God in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The central tenet of the Christian faith is that of the Blessed Trinity. All of our theology begins at this point and is derived from our understanding of God as three distinct persons in one nature.
2. Jesus Christ is the only Son of God, begotten not made, one in being with the Father. Jesus Christ is co-eternal with the Father. In the fullness of time, He came down from heaven to save men from the consequence of sin which is eternal death (Hell).
3. Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin Mary.
4. Jesus Christ was both fully human and fully divine. Christ had two natures united in one person
.5. Jesus Christ suffered and died on the cross as a propitiatory sacrifice for all of mankind. Through His perfect obedience to the Father and by His most precious blood He made atonement for the sins of fallen man.
6. Christ truly died in the flesh, was buried, and raised on the third day destroying death.
7. Christ ascended to Heaven and sits at the right hand of the Father.
8. He sent the Holy Spirit to be the Advocate for all believers.
9. The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Most Blessed Trinity. There was never a time when He was not. He is coeternal with the Father and the Son and proceeds from them both.
10. Christ established a church to continue His salvific mission.
11. He established Peter as the first shepherd of His church and the other apostles as shepherds in union with Peter as their head. They have passed on this authority and responsibility to their successors, the bishops.
12. Christ established seven sacraments to be the visible means by which He communicates His graces to all men; they are Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Matrimony, Holy Orders, Confession, and Anointing of the Sick.
13. There is one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
14. The Eucharist is truly the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus Christ. The sacrifice of the Holy Mass re-presents and makes present the one time sacrifice of Jesus Christ at Calvary.
15. The Virgin Mary was immaculately conceived (she was not touched by original sin or its effects) and remained sinless all of her life by the singular grace of her most blessed son Jesus. Since Christ is God, she is rightly called the Mother of God (Not Mother of the Trinity, but rather Mother of the Second Person of the Trinity who is God). She remained a virgin all of her life. She was bodily assumed into heaven and makes intercession before her blessed son for all of her spiritual children (i.e. those who believe in her son).
16. At the end of time all people who have ever lived will be bodily resurrected. There will be a final judgment in which all shall be judged based upon their deeds. Those who have accepted the grace offered them by Jesus Christ and lived a life in His friendship shall inherit eternal life in Heaven (being with God and seeing Him face to face for all of eternity). Those who refused His grace will go to eternal damnation which is Hell (being eternally separated from God).17. The Bible is the inerrant, inspired Word of God. Nothing in it is false. There are no contradictions. All truth is not contained in Sacred Scripture but all that is contained in it is truth. Along with Sacred Tradition it comprises one of two rivers of revelation that flow from the same divine well spring. It is the responsibility of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church to guard, protect, and rightly interpret this most sacred gift from God. The Church is her servant, but it is only in the Church that the Scriptures are properly understood
1. The Seven Sacraments - Ty Jackson
a. Baptism – entrance into the family of God
b. Eucharist – the scared meal in which the God of the universe makes Himself present to us in the form of food that we eat so that we may be one with Him
c. Confirmation – the further indwelling of the Holy Spirit in which the gifts of the Spirit are given to member s of the Church for its building up
d. Confession – the means by which God imparts His forgiveness to repentant sinners
e. Holy Matrimony – the covenant by which man and woman enter into to become one for the bringing up of children and the sanctification of each other
f. Holy Orders – the grace bestowed upon those that are called to a life of service to Christ and His Church
g. Anointing of the Sick – The means by which God imparts both physical and spiritual healing to those in need

Monday 11 May 2009

Ty Jackson - Sacraments and Symbols

2. . Symbols

a. Crucifix – the portrayal of the salvific act of Jesus Christ for mankind

b. Chi Rho – the first two letters of the Greek spelling of Christ. It was this symbol that Constantine saw in the sky before his conquest of Rome

c. Alpha and Omega – Jesus Christ is the beginning and the end

d. Fish – this was ancient symbol used to represent Christ. The Greek word for fish is ICHTUS. This was also an acronym that spelled out Jesus Christ, God’s Son, Savior.

e. Bread and Wine – the body and blood of Jesus

f. Incense – represents holiness and prayers (see the book of Rev)

g. Altar – the table upon which the Eucharist is consecrated

h. Water – new birth and purification